2014 Toyota Corolla Sedan Reveal Set for After 10:00 PM EST

Without doubt, the biggest moment in the career of mainstream cars like the Toyota Corolla, is the time of their presentation, which is only natural since few, if any editions of these models, can really touch any chords with true enthusiasts. What these cars do is sell to the masses; that's what they are primarily designed to do and some, like the Corolla, do it better than others.
The time for the new generation of the Corolla to shine is almost here, as at 7:00 PM PST, which is 10:00 PM EST, Toyota will begin the presentation of the compact sedan model in Santa Monica, California.
We will be bringing you the full details in about two to three hours from now, but in the meantime, you can check out all the official teasers along with some earlier leaked photos of the new Corolla, which was previewed by the Furia Concept in Detroit and the Yundong Shuangqing II study at China's Shanghai Auto Show, the gallery below.


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